NINA SIRI Lyrics by isreal mbonyi


Nina siri naye Yesu yanifanya niwe jasiri

(I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)*

Kwa amani nayo dhiki yanifanya niwe jasiri

(In a peace and distress He makes me bold

Yaniburudisha nikirukaruka hossana amen

(He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen

Yaniburudisha nikirukaruka niki imba hossana amen

(He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen

Wambie wanaolia wakiteswa na malimwengu;

(Tell those who cry, those who are tormented by the world

Waonjeni neema yake na rehema yake mwokozi

(Let them taste His grace and savior's mercy

Watafunguliwa, watawekwa huru wakiimba hossana amen

(They will be delivered, they'll be set free singing hosanna amen

End of NINA SIRI Lyrics by isreal mbonyi

NINA SIRI Lyrics by isreal mbonyi

NINA SIRI Lyrics by isreal mbonyi

NINA SIRI Lyrics by isreal mbonyi

NINA SIRI Lyrics by isreal mbonyi

NINA SIRI Lyrics by isreal mbonyi

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