Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics


Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics

It’s coming together now for me
Everything you gave I’m ready to receive
I’m starting to see a purpose for me
Now all you say is what I believe

No more resisting your love’s warm embrace
My heart is open
I’m ready to change

The way I see me
Unworthy of love

I finally Understand your heart
I’m learning to see me through your eyes
The image is getting clearer than ever
Jesus you define me now
And by your grace
My life in you assured.

No more resisting your love’s warm embrace
My heart is open I’m ready to change

The way I see me
Unworthy of love
To the way you see me
That you’ve deemed me
So worthy of love

No more resisting your love’s warm embrace
Daily I’ll acknowledge that I have been saved
In all I do, I will always live,
I will always live by your grace
My eyes are open (open)
I’m ready to change

The way I see me
So unworthy of love
To the way you see me
That you’ve deemed me
So worthy of love

My Father Loves me
I see myself the way you see me Jesus
My sins are forgiven
(My sins are forgiven)
I’m forever loved
(Forver Loved)
I’m eternally blessed
(I’m totally blessed)
Nothing can separate me from the Love of Jesus
(Yeah Yeah)

End of Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics

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Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics
Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics
Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics
Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics
Pere Jason ft. Progress – The Way You See Me Lyrics

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