Emmanuel Lyrics by Michael Manya
(Languages: French, Lingala)
J’étais condamné (I was condemned)
À cause de mes fautes (Because of my sins)
Emma est venue (But Emma came)
Il a plaider pour ma cause (He pleaded for my cause)
Il a pris ma place (He took my place)
Et il s’est donné pour moi, (And He gave His life for me)
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Toujours present (Emmanuel is always present) (Repeat)
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
Toujours present a ma cause (Is always present to my cause) (Repeat)
Dans ma dépression tu sais sondé mon coeur (In my depression you know how to probe my heart)
Dans l’humiliation (In humiliation)
Tu es l’ami de tout le temps (You are the friend of all time)
Dans ma solitude (In my solitude)
Tu sais combler tout mon coeur (You know how to fill all my heart)
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Toujours present (Always present) (Repeat)
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
Toujours present a ma cause (Is always present to my cause) (Repeat)
Meme si ma famille m’oublie (Even if my family forgets me)
Mes parents me rejettent (And my parents reject me)
Emma oh, Emmanuel tu es toujours la (Emmanuel, You are always there)
Tu ne me laisse jamais seul (You never leave me alone)
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
Toujours present a ma cause (Emmanuel is always present to my cause) (Repeat)
Meme si mes amis m’abandonnaient (Even if my friends abandon me)
Mes amis me delaissaient ma famille (My friends abandon my family)
Tous ceux que j’aime s’eloignent (All those I love move away)
Tu es touhours la, tu me laisse jamais seul (You are always there, you never leave me alone)
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
Toujours present a ma cause (Is always present to my cause) (Repeat)
Toujours present a ma cause (Is always present to my cause) (Repeat)
Repeat: Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
Nazo benga yo (I call unto You) x?
Emma motema, Emma mobato (Emma my heart, Emma the Rock)
Nazo benga yo (I call unto You) x?
Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
Toujours present a ma cause (Is always present to my cause) (Repeat)